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      技術文章 / article 您的位置:網站首頁 > 技術文章 > 安科瑞馬保在也門工廠的應用


      發布時間: 2022-11-19  點擊次數: 576次

                                            安科瑞 繆凱倫

                                 Acrels Motor protector used in Yemen factory

      At the end of November of last year, Acrel had client from Yemen , they contacted us via our information on website ,looking for Energy Consumption system to be integrated SAP investment.

      and Acrel rightly have this kind of solution.


      About December, clients decided to visit China,they had a long trip, and Acrel was one of these stops.Clients visited our headquarter in Shanghai, we showed them around, and gave a careful introduction of our Energy Consumption system.Clients were really satisfied with our products, and promise they will cooperate with us definitely.



      When they went back to Yemen,we sent some relative documents to them.They browsed the data sheets an decided to make a trial order of 40 sets motor protectors. When we made production, we talked in the group from time to time, and shared interesting information of both countries, and they also sent us pictures of their company.



      Nearly one and half a month, clients received the motor protectors, and successfully installed them, below is the pictures.



      Now, we are keeping communication with each other and make preparations for energy consumption system ,we will do our best to meet clientsrequirements.


      • 聯系電話電話
      • 傳真傳真0510-86179975
      • 郵箱郵箱2355269602@qq.com
      • 地址公司地址江蘇省江陰市南閘工業園東盟路5號
      © 2025 版權所有:江蘇安科瑞電器制造有限公司   備案號:蘇ICP備08106144號-114   sitemap.xml   管理登陸   技術支持:化工儀器網       
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