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      Product category

      技術文章 / article 您的位置:網站首頁 > 技術文章 > 安科瑞刷卡預付費系統在烏干達某建筑的應用


      發布時間: 2022-12-08  點擊次數: 511次

      安科瑞 繆凱倫

      Application of Acrel RF card prepaid system in Uganda

      摘要:預付費射頻卡售電管理系統是一種先交費后用電的收費管理軟件,采用射頻卡作為用戶和供電部門中間進行一對一購售電信息傳輸的介質,完成電能表參數設置、售電管理及用電管理工作。Absrtact: the prepaid RF card power sale management system is a kind of charge management software which uses the radio frequency card as the medium for one-to-one power purchase and sale information transmission between the user and the power supply department.

      1.項目概述  Project Overview


      Uganda's Masaca market needs a set of prepaid system to charge and manage tenants. After comparing various aspects of several suppliers, it is found that our system is simple to operate, convenient to use and easy to install.So the client decides to use Acrel prepaid power sales system.

      2.產品介紹 product presentation


      The business process of the prepaid radio frequency card electricity sales management system is: first install an electric energy meter for the user, then the user applies for an account opening at the business outlet, and then the sales person opens an account and card based on the user information, and at the same time, the user can handle the payment and sale of electricity, and the user can bring the RF card back and charge the energy meter.

      2.1.組網拓撲圖 Network Topology


      2.2相關產品 related products



      3.安裝圖片Installation Picture


      參考文獻 Bibliography

      1. Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system

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